Ways to Earn Extra Money

You have a decent paying job. However, at the end of the week, you have nothing left over. It’s a dilemma that millions of hard-working people face. Thankfully, if you find yourself in this position constantly and it’s now a way of life, you can change your status.

Fast Cash Never Works 

Many people think if they go to a casino or buy a few scratch tickets they’ll win the big bucks and instantly wash away all their money problems. Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that more than likely you’ll just spend money you don’t have. It’s your lucky day if you happen to win big.

Use Your Talents 

Making money the old-fashioned way may be much harder to do, but it’s achievable. If you have a specific talent such as making beautiful crafts or woodworking, why not start a part-time business. You can start small by purchasing a few pop up canopies from Ins ‘Tent and add your company’s name and logo. Then pitch them at fairs, trade shows, and other local events. Make sure you have a website up and running and business cards on hand to pass out.

Babysitting/Pet Sitting 

If you currently work from home and you like children or pets, why not do babysitting or pet sitting a couple of days a week? Many people are in need of these services and are willing to pay good hourly wages.

Work Online 

The internet is a wonderful place to find a variety of part-time jobs. You’ll find many companies in need of outsourcing their work. Some of the jobs include writing, doing surveys, tutoring, medical transcriptions, and working for call centers. You can work for a day or several hours a few times each week. The more you work, the more you stand to make.

Part-Time Gig Outside the Home 

If you have the time, working part-time outside the home is another way to make extra money. Delivery drivers are in high demand and many of the local restaurants hire often. Uber and Lyft are slowly replacing classic taxis and, as such, are in need of more drivers. You use your own vehicle and you simply sign in through an app when you’re available.

Odd Jobs 

Let’s face it, people lead very hectic lives, and for many having the time available to put furniture together or clean their home, is difficult. Companies such as TaskRabbit and Fiverr provide these services to people in need. That’s where you come in. All you need to do is become listed on the site, identify the type of service you’ll provide and then bid on jobs.

Bundle Services 

Bundling services like your homeowner’s, auto and life insurance with the same company can reduce your monthly premiums by a few hundred dollars. In some cases, you may be able to get your gas and electricity service through the same company, so you can bundle those as well.

Reduce Your Debt 

If you earn a good salary and you’re constantly short on cash, it’s probably time to get your debt under control. If you have several credit cards, a mortgage, a car loan, and student loans, chances are a good portion of your income is used. You can reduce your payments on credit cards by applying for a credit card that offers balance transfers. This way instead of paying out $500.00 a month between the cards, you can reduce it to a few hundred. Or, if you prefer, and you have equity in your home, you can refinance and pay off your other debt at closing.

The economy is improving. It provides a great opportunity to find many ways to increase your net monthly income.