@skopemag 2020 – 5 Questions Feat Don Di-Lion

Get to know Di-Lion on this first weekend of 2020 – this artist had a great jump last year and is now preparing for even more. We got to chat with Di-Lion in December and are excited to spread the word today – also enjoy his video for “Golden Ticket’.

@skopemag: We are – December 18 – 2 weeks from 2020 – how do you plan to spend the holidays and New Years?

I plan to spend the holidays and new year with my Lovely Wife on a journey to happiness. I will work harder this new year towards the goals that I to accomplish.

@skopemag: What are 2 music accomplishments from 2019 you are most proud of?

The two music goals that I am most proud of from 2019:
1. I recorded 4 songs.
2. I performed for the first time.

@skopemag: If you are to have 2 goals you want to accomplish in 2020 – what are they and how will you do it?

Two of the goals that I have in 2020 is
1. To record at least 1 album of 12 songs.
2. To perform at least 12 times.

I will pick up another job to fund my studio time and I will reach out to music organizations and present them with my music to get some performing slots.

@skopemag: What project(s) are you pushing most right now?

The two projects that I am mostly pushing right now are:
1. Getting my music approved so that I can perform at the coast to coast tour.
2. Link up with other local artists for collaboration.

@skopemag: If folks out there want to Follow / Like / DM you – what are the best 2-3 socials for you?

The two social media sites that people can reach me on are:
1. Facebook – https://m.facebook.com/dan.whittaker.92
2. Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/1dondilion_/