The Last Morrell delivers a sarcastic, thought-provoking look at male identity in follow up single ‘Another Boy’

Following on from his debut single ‘Fine Now’, (featured as Record of the Week on BBC Introducing) the fast emerging artist is already no stranger to taking risks with releases. ‘Fine Now’ is an emotional rollercoaster in the form of a ballad with a Pink Floyd-esque climax, and now with ‘Another Boy’, The Last Morrell offers up a more upbeat introspective look at identity and particularly how men are struggling to come to terms with it.

The song’s harmony plants its roots in classic r’n’b with its feel but quickly reveals a more contemporary message and the emotional connectivity that people will quickly come to associate with The Last Morrell alongside his powerful vocal range.

“I guess I reached an age where I realised that despite all of our modern-day efforts to individualise ourselves on social media or through fashion or whatever, we are all essentially the same as everyone else. Our identities and behaviours are all taught to us and we can quickly unravel them and strip them away. Men are having a hard time with this particularly as masculinity as we once knew it seems a bit redundant, we’re all thinking about what being a man is all about in 2019. This song is a tongue-in-cheek look at my own anxieties about my identity and growing up.” says The Last Morrell.

Here’s the track on Spotify:

It is also public on Soundcloud here: