Sofie Elezaj Unleashes ‘When It’s Over’

A hypnotic trance pop defines Sofie Elezaj’s spirited “When It’s Over”. Going for a passionate, highly energetic sensibility all of it feels outright entrancing. By far the highlight comes from the fiery vocals that adorn the entirety of the piece. While deeply grounded in a unique EDM style, they incorporate elements of pop with a hint of mysticism. The melodic richness comes from the multiple layers of sound that Sofie Elezaj weaves deep into the mix. Looping in just the right way means all of it feels outright spirited, downright lovely even. Lyrically she focuses on loss, on what happens after a relationship ends.

Not a moment is wasted for Sofie Elezaj dives headfirst into the infectious grooves. The nimble percussion has an elastic quality to it while it stretches out into the breaking point. All of it feels outright fresh, for the atmosphere has a great spaciousness to it. With a wonderful poetic style of storytelling Sofie Elezaj lets the song embody both a hope and a sadness. The many contradictory emotions following a breakup start to rise up over the course of the track. Vocals soar up into the sky as they have a neon-hued glow to it. Outright honest, she sings with an honesty that ties the entire journey together in a reassuringly sweet way.

Done with the greatest level of care, Sofie Elezaj crafts a beautiful piece of pop perfection with the gorgeous “When It’s Over”.

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