Maintain Good Vocal Health: Do’s and Don’ts

If you dream of being one of the greatest singers in the world, keep in mind that proper vocal lessons are quintessential. However, learning how to upskill your voice is much more than just singing. It is a lifestyle.

The things that influence how great of a singer you’ll be lies beyond your actual performances and practice sessions. If other facets and details of your lifestyle are inharmonious with your singing, then all of your hard work and efforts with your vocal training might, like it or not, go all to waste.

For example, an unhealthy lifestyle and diet can cause a voice problem. Luckily, there are ways for which you can prevent voice problems from happening. For a little help, here are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to vocal training.

What You Should Do:

Vocalize and Practice Scales

As part of your vocal training, do your vocal exercises, such as basic scales, every day. When you do it regularly, it will help you to master and ace your voice. The more adept and attune your throat is towards consistent singing (with the right pacing and technique), the less the likelihood of injury.

Singing lots of scales during your vocal lesson will aid you to be more aware of the range of your voice. Meaning, you will know and determine which notes you can reach with your normal voice, which notes you cannot, and which notes you can try working out towards accomplishing.

Keep in mind that practice makes perfect. So, if you train your voice regularly, you will plainly see your range widening in both high and low notes.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is key to maintaining good vocal health. It is essential for any performer to stay well hydrated. For that reason, you must drink eight glasses, at the minimum, of water every day.

Drink a small mouthful of liquid, from time to time, during long vocal sessions to prevent your throat from drying. Moreover, on days when you use your voice more than usual, drink more amounts of water.

Staying hydrated is an excellent habit that’ll pay off over time. Also, it aids in ensuring that you’ll be able to sing for a long time at your best. And it will help in preventing ailments or diseases from harming your singing capabilities.

Care For Your Throat and Mouth Health

After wire-draw use of your voice during vocal lessons, some soreness might pop out. However, keep a keen eye for red flags that may be signs that there is something wrong with your throat — for instance, bleeding in your throat, pain, and constant hoarseness.

These red flags could develop nodules in your laryngitis or vocal cords. Do not disregard hoarseness as something that’ll disappear, even if resting makes it better. Unflagging hoarseness might imply that whatever is wrong with your vocal cords can still be, for the most part, treated.

Shrugging it off and persistently straining your voice can make that hoarseness in your voice imperishable. Although these throat problems aren’t life-threatening, they’ll still affect and impair your voice. Or worse, it can ruin your dream of becoming a singer.

What You Should Not Do:

Screaming or Whispering

If you want to maintain excellent vocal health, then avoid over-straining your voice with whispering or screaming. Both actions are unusual uses for your voice. Remember that the vocal cords are not, for the most part, designed to shriek and yelp for an extended period without getting harmed.

On the other hand, whispering loudly is just as worse as screaming. To avoid damaging your voice, follow proper vocal exercises. But if you need to scream, be sure to observe measures to shield your voice.

Drinking Coffee or Alcohol

Although complete abstinence is not required, refrain from drinking liquids that’ll dehydrate you, such as alcohol and coffee. These liquids will dry out your throat, cutting off the power of your voice, and will minimize the range you’d normally hit. Rather than drinking alcohol or coffee, drink warm water instead.

Altering Your Natural Speaking Voice

Don’t try to change your natural speaking voice. You must speak at the normal tone that’s comfortable for you. Never try to speak at a higher pitch or lower pitch than what’s actually normal for you.

Altering your speaking voice can put a strain on your throat. And eventually, it can damage your vocal cords and will impede all your efforts and hard work you put into training your voice.


There are correct and proper ways to train your voice. Although not all of them may apply to you, try to have an open mind. Take advantage of what other people have learned before you. In this way, you will develop a healthy, powerful, and beautiful voice. A voice that’ll sound great for years to come. Programs like 30 Day Singer go over all the essential things a new singer needs to know within 30 days.