Russ Still & The Moonshiners New Album ‘Bootleg (Batch 432)’

Listen and enjoy the album Bootleg (Batch 432) a wonderful creation by Russ Still &The Moonshiners.

Catchy lyrics, fresh and collaborated instrumental arrangements, finely cooked music are the best recognizing elements of Russ Still and the Moonshines, Georgia Music Awards’ 2015 Country Band of the Year. Recently this band has released their latest music album, ‘Bootleg (Batch 432)’, dealing with country rock.

The album opens with ‘No Stars’. Such a wonderful song! Alongside the electrifying guitar, soul-driving bass, the powerful drumming, the charismatic and mesmerizing vocal sounds astounding. It creates a magical mood and then suddenly takes turns to a more complex route.

In ‘Waiting’, one can take a plunge into fresh sound and flawlessly carried music. In fact, the song is a perfect contrast of sound, music, and lyrics. The gradually uplifting and bold music serves as the background of the soft and vulnerable expression of the lyrics. Whatever the contrast may be, the song sounds awesomely good.

‘Money’ opens with the solo electric guitar notes accompanied with other instruments overdosed with emotion and passion. The music sounds fun and entertaining, creating a spellcasting effect on the audience.

The next song is a breakup song. Russ Still and the Moonshines is depicting the story of a break-up in ‘Its Hard’ with overloaded emotion. The storytelling manner of the song never dims the rhythm. From the opening vocal to the piano tune, the song creates a charm, promising to become a memorable piece of music.

In ‘Bootleg (Batch 432)’, each musician shines in their individual part, making the eminent effort to take their musical craftsmanship to another level of greatness.

8.9/10 Stars

– Jeremy Parker