What You Should Know about the Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

The theory of multiple intelligences was established in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, who was a professor of education at the Harvard University. The theory proposes that the customary notion of intelligence that is based in IQ testing is extremely limited. This is because different individuals have varying intelligences that they develop at different levels. Dr. Gardner suggests eight unique intelligences that account for the wide range of human potential both in adults and children. These intelligences are:

Linguistic intelligence

Logical-mathematical intelligence

Musical intelligence

Spatial intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence

Naturalist intelligence

Intelligence quotient

It should be recognized that IQ is never a constant or an absolute. This is because it can fluctuate by as much as 5 points within a week or even change by 10 points over several years. It must be noted that a wide range of scores are aligned with different intelligence categories. Therefore, IQ tests should be used as predictors of academic success and should be coupled with other data and psychological evaluations to determine suitability for program for gifted students or special education services.

Focus on other intelligences

Dr. Gardner believes that our culture and schools mainly focus our attention on logical-mathematical and linguistic intelligence. We tend to hold with high esteem individuals who are highly logical or articulate in our culture. However, the theory proposes that equal attention should be given to people with other intelligences, for example, the musicians, designers, therapists, dancers, entrepreneurs, architects, artists and others who make the world we live in enriched.

Intelligences work together in complicated ways

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences also demonstrates that no intelligence will exist by itself in life except in sporadic instances in brain-injured individuals. This means that intelligences are interacting with each other at all times. For example, for you to cook a meal, you will read the recipe (linguistic) and divide the portions into half (logical-mathematical), and create a menu that satisfies all family members (interpersonal), and satisfy one’s own appetite too (intrapersonal).

Major transformation

The theory of multiple intelligences suggests a major revolution in the way schools are run. It suggests that teachers should be trained to present lessons in a variety of ways using role play, field trips, music, inner reflection, art activities, cooperative learning, and many more. This will ensure that children with different intelligences get to learn and be best at their unique abilities.

The theory of multiple intelligences has caught the attention of several educators across the county and different schools are now using this philosophy to redesign the education system. However, there are many schools out there that still use the old way of learning using dry lectures, textbooks and worksheets. This information should be portrayed to many school administrators, teachers, and professionals working with children to ensure that every child is able to learn in a manner that is in harmony with his/her unique mind.

Every scholar is unique and may learn perfectly in a variety of ways. Therefore, teachers should understand how they can teach students with different intellect levels. When measuring the intelligence of students, teachers should take into account all the different intellect areas and practice. They should also incorporate differentiation techniques within the curriculum to come up with an ideal environment that encourages student success.