Reality Suite’s “SKINN” is a lean mean rock n’ roll machine. Stripped down to the absolute essentials their songs hit hard. Arrangements are muscular with a propulsive rhythm section. Guitars have just the right about of bite and their dynamics are undoubtedly impressive, possessing a raw power. What brings all of these strengths together is Kimmii Heart’s strong vocals which scream with passion and love for life. By bringing this all together so perfectly Reality Suite recalls the best of 70s and 80s rock.
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Blasting right into things is the infectious “Wingman”. Full of high energy this song burns through its run time with vigor. A raw funky sensibility delicates the elastic groove of the title track “SKINN”. Slowing things down to a powerful swagger is the dreamy work of “Conspire”. Hard-edged to its core is “Vegas Holiday” whose jagged guitar work is quite wonderful as the song works itself into a frenzied rush. Aptly named is the anxiety of “Playing With Fire”. Lyrically sound the song has defiance imbued into its very heart and soul. Toning things down for a bit is the gentler work of “The Red Lights” whose inclusion of acoustic guitar gives it an open casual feel to it. “Save My Life” ends the album off on a tender note with a driving rhythm and delicate melodic sensibilities.
SKINN is a damned near perfect piece of rock, one that incorporates the old and new in the right balance.
Posted by Beach Sloth