The aptly named Gasoline Bros are filled up with heart and possess a keen driving rhythm. Nicely embodying the best of rock and roll, the songs possess a lot of energy. Vocals are incredibly earnest doing a great job of portraying a life and a moment in a life. A narrative sensibility helps carry these songs forth. Of particular note is the strength of the hard hitting bass and drums. Nice touches include the stellar guitar and organ riffs. Everything works off of each other showing a band that helps support the overall sense of defiance that permeates the entire collection.
“Better” breaks the collection open displaying their keen sense of humor. Singing on the song is completely pitch perfect. From there Gasoline Bros turn down the energy a little for the relaxed “Everything’s Alright”. By far the highlight of the collection is the absolutely stunning “Struggling Man”. Incredibly bombastic the song embodies what makes Gasoline Bros so good: their patience, their willingness to ratchet up the tension, and the absolute release for the song’s finale. The cyclical nature of the song returning to its roots is particularly fine. Similarity the hyper-specific storytelling on “That Will Be Me” work wonders as does the spry rhythm. Finishing the album off on a classic rock kick is the infinitely enjoyable “RECKLESS” whose organ work is quite fine indeed.
FILL ‘ER UP is a powerful piece of work referencing the best of country and classic rock.
Posted by Beach Sloth