LITLE BIG LEAGUE, These are good people


Enter Little Big league: A Philadelphia based four-piece comprised primarily of members from other bands, whom, after touring two singles for more than over a year, finally decide to bring you their ultimate long player entitled, “These Are Good People”.   So lets have it then, shall we?

On the upside, you can count on experienced musicians who champion the Church of Corgan. You get 9 tracks of spot-on fem-rock licks, howls, and sputters that all keeps time with the vocal. The arrangements here are meticulous, clever, and have been well thought out-these guys have done their homework, I’ll give it that.   The problem is, any listener savvy enough to recall the exact moment when they realized Melon Collie sucked will notice the like-mindedness of LBL’s faux punk sentence. And trust me: disappointment THAT deep will find a way to pay attention to your every card swipe- this is eleven. Unfortunately influence is also where “…Good People” suffers…and well, badly.

Ninety seconds into the first track and two of the first things crossing your mind is: 1) How undeniably happy the music sounds for an violent fem record, and yet 2) And how disappointingly similar the vocal stylings of lead singer Michelle Zauner sound to that of Karen O’s of YEAH YEAH YEAHS fame. But lets not get ahead of ourselves here.

Efforts such as the lush debut single “My Very Own You”   are strident and stringy.   A loud affirmation that just seems to go nowhere..   While “Summer Wounds” and “Toyo Drift” do a little better to dress the wound, yes. The lyrics are abrasive at best, and would not sound out of place on a Finnish Alanis Morissette B-Side collection. “Show me every inch they couldn’t reach/I will bring an claim bricks to build my space”, Zaunder spritefully inquires to the other woman on lead single “My Very own You.” Right. Unfortunately, the overall theme of the record is far too kitsch to ever receive the respect its asking for here. Even the best vintage acts don’t taking this long to complete stateside albums. Sometimes.

Now, I understand a new head may take some time getting used to, but as long as this money took to spend I’m surprised it didn’t ask me for a five hour energy…twice. I mean, don’t get me wrong-sure. Lead singer Michelle Zauner does a marvelous job of extoling her emotional betterments to the key of postal. Its just the music is too good to balance Zauner and all six of her imaginary psychologists out. Ah well, there’s always next year I guess.
Robin Kale –

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