Calib McGinn, Bigger Picture

Calib McGinn was born in a small town in Kansas and is the picture perfect version of the typical Amercian boy next door. He loves playing sports and entertaining us all with his musical visions. Calib’s latest release, “Bigger Picture” is a well rounded display of his talent.

He has a smooth earthy voice that is captivating. It sucks you in right away. His songs are laid out as if you are reading direct entries from his daily journals. Each tune shows detailed encounters of his emotions. There they are right on his sleeve shining as bright as the sun. In the song, “Girl of my Dreams”, this is a nice example of what I’m talking about. A sweet little ditty about a person he hasn’t met yet. But he describes her with such detail she comes to life right before your eyes. Be patient Calib she’s out there, keep singing tunes like this and you’ll be beating them off with a stick.

The music surrounding his lyrics are fitted like a tailored suit. He has fresh well thought out licks that set up the stories like watching a movie. This CD’s production is tight and concise. It puts you in the moment. It is light and engaging, nothing over done it is simplicity at its finest and doesn’t need anything more.

Calib McGinn is out there living the dream. This is what it is all about. Put your best foot forward and the sky is the limit. I feel this is a small step heading towards the, “Bigger Picture” and he certainly is paving his way to a huge future.

Rebecca Hosking –

[Rating: 4/5]

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