Expanding on last year’s Brandt Brauer Frick debut You Make Me Real, Mr. Machine takes the German trio’s sound and concept to the next level, adding a full 10-piece ensemble and fusing minimal techno with classical instrumentation. This is an album which rewards repeat listens, as the sounds and arrangements are dense with intricate nuance.
The new album was recorded using a handmade approach, utilizing opulent and unconventional instrumentation: violin, cello, harp, piano, trombone, tuba, timpani, marimba, vibraphone, drum set, various percussion and a Moog synthesizer, the results of which yield an utterly unique sound palate. They’re coming over to the US (in their core three-person incarnation) for a full tour in October/November.

[youtube aBPEbF_u0cY nolink]

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