pCHEScirst The lewd and outrageous Peaches and Chilly Gonzales were set to perform three nights of their own stripped-down rendition of 70’s rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar in March at the Hebel Theatre in Berlin, until German authorities denied the two, deeming it “of no interest to them”.

Peaches Christ Superstar was scheduled to be performed March 27-29. “To perform Jesus Christ Superstar as a one-woman-song is a crazy enterprise … When I was sixteen I often sang the whole musical to myself all alone in my room,” said an ecstatic Peaches. “When I told Gonzales about this crazy idea he replied: ‘I want to accompany you on piano.’ Until then, we didn’t know that we shared an obsession for this musical, and that secretly both of us already knew it by heart.”

You can only imagine how disappointed they were to find out German authorities weren’t so keen on the idea.

German authorities claimed the project was of no interest to them due to its unconventional form, and therefore not a single song from the rock opera will be performed. “Its a shame that the authorities
feel threatened by this new fresh approach.” While you feel a bit of sympathy towards them, you can’t help but not be too surprised that someone who sings “Eat a cookie, eat a big d**k everyday,” would be denied such a production.

On the bright side, Peaches doesn’t seem too disheartened by the denial: “PEACHES CHRIST SUPERSTAR CRUICIFIED BEFORE OPENING NIGHT!”

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