The Bramble Jam, Move Your Boots

brmablejm_phixrThe Bramble Jam are introducing their new brand of kids’ music to the world.   Inspired by their own kids, Jason Kern and Jessie Griffiths have decided to create something magically special for ALL to enjoy.   Move Your Boots is fun & inquisitive music for children and families to enjoy for generations to come.   The Bramble Jam are following in the footsteps of Sesame Street by inventing a new craze for kids to have fun with.  

Jason Kern is a father to five children of his own with two being adopted from China and one from Guatemala while Jessie Griffiths is a mom to three kids along with an adopted daughter from Guatemala.   It makes sense that these two people would make a CD geared toward infectiously catchy, kid-friendly tunes.   The beauty of this debut indie record is that it’s not all fun and games with non-stop silly songs for young minds.   The fact of the matter is that Kern & Griffiths along with Jay Janney & Asa Brebner are excellent musicians as well.   Jason writes the songs, sings and plays guitar while Jessie also sings & comes up with lyrics.   Jay is the recording engineer while also contributing bass, guitar & vocals and Asa is the record producer along with adding his own singing, guitar and bass sections.   These four artists have come up with a freshly unique model of wholesome goodness that will be appreciated for years to come.   G-Rated music that I’d like to refer to as “New Wave of Innocence” sums up Move Your Boots.  

The album starts up with a song titled “Going to a Party” where right away you get jumping-off-the-wall fun!   You hear a very hip & cool sound musically with funny & catchy lines right off the bat.   What The Bramble Jam are doing from the get-go are getting on the level of children everywhere.   Next up, “Pancakes”, is a fun & goofy number about “who’s the better pancake batter maker–Mommy or Daddy?”   What blew me away was not the silliness of the material being sung, but the fine musicianship at hand.   This track was vocally in tune, guitar playing perfect and it added awesome drum/percussive beats.   “Jack Come Back” offers banjo playing with a jazzy blues, folk-type feel complete with the barking dog sound effect.   The title track is simply jazzy, funky jivin’ where “rain won’t stop the fun!”   On “Caught in the Morning Sunbeam”, you receive a softer touch & a pleasing melody for ALL loved ones to enjoy.   On “Mariposa Mi Nina”, I’m hearing a delicately soothing overall sensation with a sensational vocal performance.   On the track, “Piggies”, you hear a nice harmonica sound along with terrific harmonies to go along with an incredibly inventive version of the original “This Little Piggie” rhyme.   “Chicken Soccer” gives you that true, old-time rock & roll beat while “Don’t Squish that Bug” is humorous & witty.   “I Am Not Gone” is just beautifully done both vocally & musically–enough said.   Add in actual kids singing as back-up on certain tracks and you have yourself one genuine children’s album.  

Mixing stylistic elements of pop/rock, folk, blues, soul, funky jazz and country to the beat of childish songs is sheer genius on the part of The Bramble Jam.   Move Your Boots will have families/children everywhere singing along to these 15 colorful & energetic numbers.   A CD for kids to have a blast to, but also learn something at the same time is a perfect idea & perfect timing.   This world is one crazy place, so thank God for people/artists like The Bramble Jam that are offering a positive message for our future.   For more on The Bramble Jam and their new release, Move Your Boots, SKOPE out  &  

By Jimmy Rae (

[Rating: 5/5]

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