Since Jack Davey released L0-F! Side A, the first half of her three-part solo project last week, the eclectic J*DaVeY frontwoman has shown her evolution as an artist. Previous singles from the EP, such as “Howl At The Moon” and “Eye Can See,” have proven her ability to impart and express herself in new mediums, specifically teaching herself to play her Squire Strat while taking care of her newborn baby. Now, while she anticipates the release of Side B on November 6th, she is unveiling her latest music video for the Side A single “Ride On.”
Biker gangs, especially the infamous Hell’s Angels, are ingrained in American rock ‘n’ roll culture, and Jack channels that badass, all-leather-everything vibe that the H.A. personify in the song “Ride On.” Joey Strat, half of The Knux, producer of Side B, and Jack’s boyfriend, compiled the amazing vintage footage of the “81” vest-laden motorcycle enthusiasts to embody the anonymous rebel Jack refers to in the song.
Watch “Ride On” here: