Interview with Free Mace

Free Mace’s new album “Better off Bitter” is releasing 7/19/24. This new album was independently produced, engineered and funded from a home studio location in Jacksonville, FL. All processes were done by Mason Thomas Staub over 3 years time.  Mason sat down to answer some questions in this one-one-one interview…
Mason, your new album “Better off Bitter” is set to release on July 19th, 2024. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind this album and what themes, tones, and stories the listeners can expect? 
The main inspiration behind this album is the evolution of artistry and production. Free Mace’s previous album, “Media,” was the transition into more Rock and Indie music. “Media” is a genre fusion set in a dystopian, technocratic, and bleak world, inspired by the global pandemic. As soon as “Media” released, I began drafting the early instrumentals to songs (such as Reality). Every album or EP has been a concept and “Better off Bitter” is no different. The main concept of “Better off Bitter” is being better off bitter. Over the 4 years of living in Jacksonville, FL and not being originally from there, I was the new guy in town. Because of this as well as the advantageous disposition of others involved in or surrounding the industry, I’ve faced ageism and superiority, judgment and prejudice, as well as seclusion and loneliness. Add an incredibly toxic relationship that consumed all my mental capacity for a bit (refer to the song Good Time Girl), and you get the varying emotions and experiences of “Better off Bitter.”
“Better off Bitter” describes the tone and tempo of the album, as well as mood of the songs. The goal of this album was to experiment and set a new standard against mainstream concepts, while not being so far removed from them that the music is unrecognizable. I have been describing “Better off Bitter” to people as a “Jazz Orchestra in a Pop-Punk band format.” I’m aware that this is a big claim to make, however, I’m confident that the unique sound that has been created is new and nostalgic at the same time.
You independently produced, engineered, and funded this album from your home studio in Jacksonville, FL, over three years. What were some of the biggest challenges and rewards of handling every aspect of the production process yourself?
Some of the biggest challenges were motivation, isolation, and insecurity. When doing everything yourself it requires an incredible amount of discipline and vision. There were countless times I found myself vacationing in the doldrums for extended periods with minimal creative output. The beginning of an album always begins as a peak that declines over a period until release. It’s simple and stressless to explore, create and form new ideas, expressions, and feelings. After this honeymoon-like period, then the reality hits of how much goes into the processes of production. The starting production is always hopeful and motivating, so it’s easy to dedicate double-digit hours in a studio. When you start getting to the nitty-gritty, like listening to the same 10-seconds of audio on loop thousands of times, that’s when things aren’t done as jubilantly. That would bring me back to a creative null for a bit, until I felt confident to approach things again with a fresh perspective. The isolation came out of my own doing when I chose solitude to separate myself from distractions, toxic attitudes, limiting perceptions, and peer approval. I prioritized myself and focused on what was important; the completion of “Better off Bitter.” I became more mindful in the process in regards to how I would spend my time in the doldrums. I had a new motivation that allowed me to be more realistic about what songs would make the album (originally 15 instead of 10), what the context and sound would definitively be, and when a deadline would be. After finally completing it, that’s where the insecurity set in when it comes to the acceptance of the album, “Better off Bitter.” 3 years of work is a lot of time to think about how things will be, but I’ll just have to wait and see.
Which track on the album holds the most personal significance for you, and why? Can you give us some insight into the creative process and meaning behind that particular song?
I would say that the last track on the album, “The Heretic,” has the most significance to me because it’s the finale. This is the last song someone will hear and the last chapter to the story conveyed in “Better off Bitter.” The idea of “The Heretic” comes from the snake-oil sales in the name of religion. The concept that an individual with certainty can sell others with a promise rather than those individuals being at terms with uncertainty. I wanted to provide an image of an interaction between a salesperson and a potential customer. Eventually getting discovered for their fraudulence, the salesperson is forced to lead a vagabond life until the discovery of reinvention.
Over the course of three years, your musical style and influences might have evolved. How do you feel your sound has changed or matured from your previous work to this new album?
The previous Free Mace album, “Media,” was a transition into more up-tempo music. I would see how people would react at the concerts and the up-tempo would always have a better response from what I could tell. It’s not that the audience didn’t enjoy the slower tempo music, it was more about what their body language conveyed. I started to notice people would be involved dancing and moshing to up-tempo music more than standing still with a head bob to a slower tempo. I wanted to do an album that would capture this high energy from beginning to end, while telling a meaningful story about emotions, experiences, and ideologies. “Better off Bitter” is the highlight album of the Free Mace discography, available everywhere 7/19/2024.
As an independent artist, what advice would you give to other musicians looking to produce and release their own music without the backing of a major label?
The best advice I would give to anyone and everyone would be to always stay true to yourself, no matter what.
What are your plans following the release of “Better off Bitter”? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or other projects that fans can look forward to?
Following the release of “Better off Bitter,” there will be 2-3 music videos available in varying cinematic styles. Currently in the process are one animated video (Available 7/19/2024 on YouTube) and one live-action Frank Sinatra/Edgar Allen Poe inspired video. There will potentially be shows in the future, but am needed a backing band on location for performance, so if you’d like a Free Mace show where you are located and have a professional band to provide, I will see you there!