Belton Mouras Entertainment continues to deliver top notch storytelling and music with their latest release “Under My Skin”. This unique and trending video tells the tale of a modern-day Romeo and Juliet who express their feelings for each other through music.

Born in Northern California, Belton Mouras, Jr. grew up in a creative family environment full of music, animal lovers, and Cajun storytellers. He studied classical piano from the age of five and moved over to jazz music in his late twenties. Belton’s passion and talents also extend into the visual arts world as he’s created over a hundred paintings, utilizing acrylic on his vast catalog of canvas artworks.

Most of his popular works have included animals or musical inspired design themes and have been sold through art shows, charity silent auctions, friends and family.

Belton composed and produced his first original music CD on acoustic piano in late 2000. In 2005 Mouras was inspired to enter into the entertainment world as a film producer and music composer. He’s been involved in several short films as both producer and composer and has debuted in various film festivals throughout his career.