Myles Cochran presents his latest work called: “Making Something Out Of Nothing”. Kentucky’s talented musician and producer delivers an emotional and profound number. The track is not only a soul-stirring gift, but it is also a dramatic and solid statement to the ambient Americana scene today. “Making Something Out Of Nothing” is so unique and special that it really doesn’t sound like anything else out there. It stays fresh, modern, and generates an unusual sensation. The almost three minute track is so uncommon and particular that the content and weight coming out if it, is much heavier than its length. “Making Something Out Of Nothing” manages to stay original, magnificent, divine, and proves to create a blend of different influences while staying true to itself.

Myles Cochran is now an American living in Europe, and after many years of going back and forth between the UK and France, he is now full-time in England and lingers in rural Devon and east London. Born and raised in Kentucky and then moving to New York City, Myles played and worked in studios as a musician, engineer, and producer. Since moving to the United Kingdom, he still produces his own music and works with other artists as a producer and musician.

“Making Something Out Of Nothing” manufactures his own trademark of ambient Americana. His diversifying solution of instrumentation and disposition takes the listener away into unknown places as he creates emotive picturesque images. “Making Something Out Of Nothing” is a conscientiously whirled material of passionate touch, reminiscent of film-like soundtrack scores, reflections and optical illusions. The track feels as if it is built in a dreamlike mix of instrumental folk, twang, jazz, and orchestral music with an imperceptible sense of cathodic arrangement. “Making Something Out Of Nothing” almost makes the listener feel like they’re driving on a heartbreaking, tragic, and sentimental country road with no sense of satisfaction, yet full of unexpected hope.

Myles’ acoustic guitar brings a disconnected, disconsolate, and despairing emotion that could almost be mistaken by its bewitching sound. Cochran’s jazzy bass mournfully moves along with the driving and conscientious percussion. The four stringed instrument amplifies the track’s sound, ultimately seals the song all together, and strengthens potential throughout the heart-rending hymn. Drawn away from monochromatic emotions, “Making Something Out Of Nothing” is not only speckled with buildup and dramatic payoff, but also with mournfulness. Myles’ track is more than just one color in a bigger collage of sensations.

“Making Something Out of Nothing” solidifies Myles Cochran as one of the most spellbinding, tear-jerking, and contemporary musicians in the world. Cochran’s talent to sensationally incorporate different musical influences while strengthening his original sound is what sets him apart from the others. His latest album “You Are Here” is out now and available on all major listening platforms. “Making Something Out Of Nothing” has also been featured on the Best New Music bonus CD.