How to Clean a Mattress

How to Clean a Mattress

While most people are aware of the importance of regular household cleaning, chances are that there are still a few items around the home that aren’t being cleaned as often as they should. A great example of this is your mattress, which is often overlooked by many homeowners. Mattress cleaning is crucial to maintaining the comfort and appearance of your bed while also keeping it in a healthy and hygienic sleep environment. Here’s how to clean your mattress!

How to Clean a Mattress

Step 1: Prepare the Mattress

After removing all the items and covers from your mattress, use your vacuum cleaner to remove any surface-level dirt and debris that may have accumulated. You can either use a handheld vacuum cleaner or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.

While you proceed to the next steps, you can also throw any mattress covers, sheets, and linens into the washing machine to be cleaned separately.

Step 2: Sprinkle Baking Soda

If you notice any dampness or odor on your mattress, then sprinkle some baking soda over the affected area and leave it for at least 30 minutes. Use your vacuum cleaner to easily remove the baking soda afterward.

For stubborn odors, you can use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the baking soda into your mattress.

Step 3: Create Your Cleaning Solution

Fill a small bowl or bucket with water before adding a few drops of dish soap. Mix everything together, and make sure that you have a sponge ready to use.

Step 4: Start Cleaning

Dampen your sponge with the soapy water before squeezing out the excess liquid. Then, start wiping down your entire mattress. Feel free to rinse your sponge as many times as needed throughout your cleaning, but remember to always wring it out before bringing it to your mattress. Exposing your mattress to too much moisture will not only slow down the drying process but also potentially cause damage over time.

Step 5: Leave the Mattress to Air Dry

Dampen a cloth with water and use it to wipe away any residue that the cleaning solution may have left behind. Then, leave your mattress to air-dry completely. To speed up the drying, you can bring your mattress outside and leave it under the sun, which will also have the added benefit of killing bacteria. Alternatively, you can either point some electric fans at your mattress or leave a few windows open.

How to Remove Stains from Mattress

Step 1: Prepare the Mattress

After stripping the bed and throwing all covers and linens into the washing machine, use a clean cloth or some paper towels to blot away as much of the stain as you can. When doing this, make sure that you don’t rub the stain, which will only push it deeper into your mattress and make it harder to remove.

Step 2: Create a Cleaning Solution

The cleaning solution that you make will depend on the type of stain you’re dealing with.

  • Urine Stain: In an empty spray bottle, combine equal parts water and white vinegar.

  • Blood Stain: Mix together one part baking soda and two parts cold water in a small bowl or container.

  • Sweat Stain: Add equal amounts of dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and water in an empty spray bottle.

Step 3: Start Cleaning

Here’s how to clean each mattress stain:

  • Urine Stain: Spray your white vinegar solution over the stained area until it’s damp before covering it with baking soda. Leave this to sit overnight, or at least 8 hours. The next day, use your vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda.

  • Blood Stain: Apply your baking soda mixture to the blood stain and leave it for 30 minutes. Then, soak a clean cloth in cold water and use this to remove the paste. Finally, use a dry cloth or towel to absorb the excess moisture from the area and let it fully air dry.

  • Sweat Stain: Spray your cleaning solution until the affected area is damp, and leave this for 20 minutes. When the time has passed, use a clean cloth to blot the area before covering it with baking soda and leaving it overnight. The next morning, use your vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda.

Additional Cleaning Tips

Here are some more mattress cleaning tips to help keep your bed feeling nice and fresh:

  • Vacuum your mattress at least every three months to remove any dust, dirt, debris, allergens, and dead skin cells that may have collected.

  • When cleaning your mattress, always let it fully dry before returning all your items and sheets. Any residual moisture can create the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew growth.

  • Always address stains as soon as you can. This will make the cleaning process much easier and smoother, while also lessening the chances of permanent damage.

  • Consider investing in high-quality mattress protectors, which will act as an extra layer of protection to shield your mattress from spills and stains.

  • If you don’t have time to clean your mattress yourself, you can book an appointment with professional mattress cleaning services to ensure that you’re still coming home to a freshly cleaned bed.

It’s great to have a regular household cleaning routine, but make sure that you’re not leaving crucial tasks like mattress cleaning off your to-do list. By regularly cleaning your mattress, you’ll be able to maintain a much cleaner and more hygienic living environment for you and your loved ones.