“The Fox and the Lie” by The Lost Gecko – A Musical Reflection on Nature’s Cruelty

Cork-based band The Lost Gecko has released “The Fox and the Lie,” an album that delves deep into our relationship with nature and the cruelty we often inflict upon it. Through a series of meticulously crafted songs, the band paints a vivid picture of how we treat the natural world and its inhabitants.

Formed in 2006 by Scottish-born singer-songwriter Malcolm Urquhart, The Lost Gecko includes cellist Elaine Urquhart, John Burke, and Nils Elders. Their music is known for its intricate weaving of sound, melody, and rhythm, with spontaneous bursts of exploratory improvisation.

“The Fox and the Lie” explores themes such as the misconception that “the grass is greener” and the normalized sight of dead animals in our environment. By personifying animals and applying human emotions to their stories, the album offers a powerful and moving experience that compels listeners to reconsider their treatment of nature. Through their evocative music, The Lost Gecko challenges us to reflect on our actions and their impact on the natural world.

Stream music by The Lost Gecko now here: https://songwhip.com/thelostgecko/the-fox-and-the-lie

Discover more of The Lost Gecko: Instagram | Facebook | Bandcamp | Spotify