Maddox Jones Gives The Lowdown On New Single ‘Change My Number’ 

We caught up with Northampton-based singer-songwriter Maddox Jones on the story behind his new single ‘Change My Number’, winning awards and exploring genres…

Hey Maddox, How are you? 

I’m good thanks! Just in the studio working on my album! 

Your brand new single ‘Change My Number’ is the first release ahead of your second solo album. Why did you choose this as the introduction to the album and your new musical chapter? 

The song is about a past relationship that took me a while to get over. It’s about finally moving on, letting go and looking to the future so it felt right to release as a first single for 2024. 

What is the meaning behind ‘Change My Number’ and how do you hope it will resonate with your fans? 

I wrote this song from the personal experience of being so gutted after a break up and going from feeling like I’ll never be ok without that person in my life anymore to finally getting over them and moving on. Change My Number is a celebration of finally moving on and I want my fans to know that whatever they are going through will get better with time. 

You’re renowned for personal, heartfelt songwriting. Did you find writing ‘Change My Number’ to be a therapeutic process, and why? 

Yes, very therapeutic. It almost felt like I was shedding layers of the past whilst I was writing this song, and to sing it live now feels so liberating. 

Does ‘Change My Number’ signify a new musical direction, or is it a continuation of your signature style? 

Hmmm I think it signifies an evolution of my sound taking in some of the elements of my live sound with more of a live feel with the drums and guitars. I don’t like to pigeon hole myself and my album won’t just be one style, I love too many genres for that 😭.

Your solo career has garnered a high amount of acclaim and praise, including Songwriter of the Year at the Northamptonshire Local Music Awards. Did you expect to receive this recognition for your music, and what do you hope to achieve in the near future? 

I was really humbled to win that award; I wasn’t expecting it! The Northampton music community is really supportive of each other and I’m blessed to be a part of it. 

In the future I just want to write the best songs I’ve ever written and see where that takes me. 

Following the success of previous band The Departure, which saw you support artists such as The Killers, how has forging a solo career encouraged you to evolve musically and personally? 

Being a solo artist, the buck stops with you, there’s no one else to fall back on – which in a way is great but in other ways it can be a bit lonely. Fortunately, I surround myself with great people and being solo gives me the flexibility to collaborate with whoever I like. 

What is your proudest accomplishment in your career so far?

Releasing my my debut solo album and also becoming a mental health advocate and giving people the courage to speak up. 

To finish off, can you give us an insight into your goals and aspirations for 2024?

I want to create my best work and tour the UK, both of which are happening so all is looking great!

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