How to Prevent Common Kitchen Plumbing Issues 

While it’s easy to dismiss a dripping faucet or slow drain as “normal,” these small issues can quickly become major problems if left unaddressed. Especially in the kitchen, a hidden leak could lead to high water bills and structural damage. 

A clogged drain can be caused by many things, from food particles to dried grease or soap scum. It can also be the result of a blocked aerator on a kitchen sink faucet. 

While suggestions are easy to read, it is important to note that most plumbing problems should be addressed and repaired by a professional plumber. They have the skills to fix the issue without causing more problems. Sites like have great resources for plumbing services. 

Adjustable Wrench 

Plumbing is important throughout the home, but it’s especially critical in the kitchen. A leaky pipe or faucet can make cooking and cleaning a nightmare. Plus, clogged drains and pipes can attract pests. 

The best way to deal with these problems is preventative maintenance. Taking care of your kitchen plumbing can ensure it functions properly for years to come. 

An Adjustable Wrench, also known as a crescent wrench, is a versatile tool that can loosen or tighten a wide variety of nuts and bolts. It has a jaw that can be adjusted to fit a specific size fastener, so you don’t have to use a handful of different tools for various jobs. When using an adjustable wrench, remember to position its jaws toward your body and pull the handle down with leverage so you don’t slam your knuckles against the wall. This technique can help save you a lot of bruising, so it’s worth learning and practicing. 

Needle Nose Pliers 

The best needle nose pliers are versatile enough to be used on many types of projects. They have long, tapering jaws and a pointed tip that help them grip and bend narrow objects in tight spaces where fingers and other pliers can’t reach. These pliers are also commonly used by electricians and network engineers to bent and snip wire. 

Using a pair of needle-nose pliers to remove a stuck drain clog can be an effective DIY solution when you don’t have a plumber available. Using this tool to dislodge hair, soap scum or other debris will allow you to continue using your kitchen drain until you can call a professional plumber for more permanent removal. 

When selecting the best pair of needle-nose pliers, look for one that is made from high-quality materials and feels heavy-duty in the hands. You’ll also want to ensure that the jaws are long enough to reach a clogged drain. If you have a hard time finding the perfect pliers for your needs, try reading reviews of other customers to see what their experiences were like. 

Drain Snake 

When a drain becomes fully or partially clogged, it can become very frustrating and potentially lead to costly damage to the home’s pipes if left untreated. A simple

plunger can often handle the issue, but sometimes it’s necessary to break out a more powerful tool like a plumbing snake (also known as an auger). 

Plumbing snakes are small, slender tools that help remove blockages that are beyond the scope of a regular plunger. They typically have a long, flexible cable with a head designed to snag and/or break up the blockage. 

When using a plumbing snake, be sure to remove the P-trap and trap arm first. This will allow the tool to move more freely while skipping over complex turns within the pipe. Also, be careful not to push the tool too hard, as this can damage the drain entrance or pipe. Instead, slowly and carefully work the tool back and forth until it breaks up or clears the clog. 

Drain Brush 

The plumbing system in a kitchen is used for two purposes; delivering fresh, clean water to sinks and appliances and taking away dirty, wastewater. If these systems become clogged or leaking it can be extremely inconvenient and even dangerous for the health of your family. 

The best way to prevent these disasters is to perform routine maintenance. This can be as simple as keeping a strainer in your sink to catch food scraps or pouring a kettle of hot water down the drain every week to help break up and flush out clogs. 

Another easy maintenance tip is to regularly remove the aerator on faucets to keep sediment from blocking the small opening and inhibiting water flow. Additionally, make it a habit to use a pipe and tube brush on a regular basis to prevent blockages. Using this tool can also help to protect your pipes from damage caused by rust and corrosion. This is especially important if you live in an older home with copper piping.