Summon Luke releases uniquely brilliant new indie rock single ‘Conjure’

Summon Luke is an artist renowned for his fusion of alternative pop, rock, and electronic industrial influences, and he continues his musical expedition with the release of new single ‘Conjure’.

This track resonates with an emotive depth reminiscent of Brandon Flowers, with the vocals becoming the focal point amidst a composition that seamlessly marries the sonic essences of The Killers and Kings of Leon.

Drawing inspiration from M83’s revered album ‘Saturdays = Youth,’ particularly the enchanting soundscape of ‘Graveyard Girl,’ Summon Luke channels this ethereal essence into ‘Conjure,’ infusing the track with a magnetic allure that transcends conventional boundaries. The result is a love song that transports listeners beyond the ordinary, weaving a tapestry of emotions.

Summon Luke stands as a captivating and enigmatic artist, inviting audiences to immerse themselves in a sonic adventure that defies expectations. Check it out now.