Sylvie Abate New Song ‘End Of The Line’

Sylvie’s Song taps into the classic folk sound on the timeless “End Of The Line (feat. Jessie West)”. The piece has a traditional quality to it for she ties together the past, present, and future of folk in a way that is highly respectful. Vocals further bring this point home for they have a warmth that radiates through the whole of it. Layer upon layer gets woven into the vast sonic tapestry yet it retains a degree of lightness to it. Color from the playing further adds to this tenderness of the whole track.

Right from the beginning the tone is set. From that point the whole thing builds ever so delicately. All of it has an understated grace, one that revels in her exquisite playing. Melodies waft on throughout the whole of the piece. Highly catchy it is the sort of thing that lingers on in the mind. Rhythms have a pastoral bliss about them for they take their time in their evolution. Every gesture here is clearly considered as there is a great deal of thought put into the sound. Much of it goes for an intimate quality, with the production values lending it a degree of closeness about it, one that guides the whole piece along all the way until the finale.

“End Of The Line (feat. Jessie West)” shows off the stellar skill of Sylvie’s Song for she creates a whole world, one easy to get lost in.