How to Write a Resignation Letter?

There are different reasons you may want to resign from your job. It could be that you have found a better offer, or you want to explore other gigs. Whatever your reasons are, you need to maintain professionalism during the whole resignation process.

One way to do that is by writing a resignation letter. Even if your boss doesn’t ask you to, a letter of resignation can help you leave your job on a good note. But how do you write a good resignation letter?

Well, writing this letter can feel like a daunting task. However, with some guidance, you can write an impressive letter. Today, we share tips on how to write resign letter to help you draft yours.

What is a Letter of Resignation?

A resignation letter records the end of a person’s employment with a company. It is usually required after one decides to leave their job. Ideally, you should send it two weeks before leaving your job via email or in person.

The Basics of Resignation Letter

Please speak to your manager first before sending a resignation letter. You can do this in person or via a call as a sign of respect. It’s also professional to submit this letter after speaking to your HR department and manager about your departure.

A resignation letter should include a resignation statement from your company, last workday, gratitude statement, next step, and any other crucial information and signature.

What to Avoid in Your Letter of Resignation?

No matter the reasons for leaving your job, you should maintain a professional approach all through. Since a resignation letter is a professional document, please don’t include complaints about the organization, management, or colleagues in it. Only write the important information positively.

How to Write a Resign Letter?

Writing a resignation letter isn’t hard if you follow the required steps. However, please talk to your HR department first to confirm the specific processes of your company concerning resignation. For instance, some companies need workers to provide certain information or send letters to specific people. Nevertheless, here’s the information to include in your resignation letter in this order.

  • An Introduction and Resignation Notice

Start your letter with a formal salutation. Remember to address the recipient by their name, and if you prefer, you can use the standard greetings like “Dear/(First Name).”

Next, go straight to the reason for writing your letter, that is, resignation. Then, include the last day you will work. The standard is usually two weeks, but this varies depending on the company. Then, list the date and weekday of the last day at the organization.

  • A Gratitude Statement

Even if you are leaving the job, you should still keep the relationship positive. Therefore, include a sentence or two thanking the company and management for the opportunity to work with them. This fosters a peaceful and positive transition.

  • Next Steps and Conclusion

Write any important information that the recipient should know about your resignation. Ideally, you should have talked about these details with your manager before writing your letter. But, if you aren’t sure of your transitioning responsibilities, say that you’re willing to do whatever it takes for a smooth transition. Employers appreciate this kind of gesture.