Spice Up Valentine’s Day With These Ideas

Cupid’s favorite holiday can get a whole lot hotter this year if you have an open mind and a partner willing to try. While dinner out on the town or a romantic comedy together can be nice, if you’re in the mood for something sexier this year, there are some affordable and creative options you could try. If you want a Valentine’s Day that’s wild, hope to renew that spark, or are just in the mood for some fun, read on.

Adult Toys

Sex toys like a clitoral sucking vibrator could be the perfect gift for your sweetheart. With multiple vibration modes, a gift like this is sure to set the mood and could even help to restore any monotony you’ve been experiencing in the bedroom. Whether a traditional vibrator or something with a clitoral stimulator, adult toys can be a great addition to bedroom play any time of year, and certainly on Valentine’s Day.

Spending Valentine’s Day alone? This idea works for singles too. Self care is important, after all.

A Romantic Nod

It’s become a habit for a reason. So sending flowers for Valentine’s Day could be a great way to start a sexy evening in. But before you hand your partner a dozen red roses, think about trying something different. What about cutting the stems off, drawing up the tub and placing real rose petals in the tub or on the bed? Not only would this set off your intentions, but it would also be a more creative take on the traditional Valentine’s flower in a vase or bouquet.

Sexy Games

Whether you buy card games or role play props online or at an adult store, another way to make Valentine’s Day sizzle is to think about games you could play with your partner. Whether it be buying that sexy garter belt you know he’ll love or wearing that special cologne for her, thinking about how you’ll dress for bedroom games goes a long way in building anticipation when the time comes.

When thinking about Valentine’s Day games you could play for some old fashioned bedroom fun, be creative. Think about what your partner likes. Have they ever told you about a fantasy or roleplay game they’d like to try? What about sweetening the pot? Fruits and whipped cream or even champagne could be perfect additions to some creative lovers’ fun.

You don’t have to have penetrative sex to make Valentine’s Day hot. Instead, foreplay, intimacy, and trying new things with sexy game props might just be enough to make this year a memorable one.

Movies and Books

Maybe your daily routines have turned into who’s in charge of the remote or what show you’ll watch. While it’s normal for couples to fall into routines based on comfort, for Valentine’s Day, make a vow to turn the television off unless it’s to watch a sexy movie. Whether it be an erotic romance or something even more adult, make the only entertainment you participate in or watch something that adds to the mood.

Don’t stop at movies either. Think about books that got you hot and see if he’ll read them to you. Alternatively, turn to books on techniques like Karma Sutra to teach her about new positions you’ve always wanted to try out. Communicating about these things and your hot Valentine’s Day plans ahead of time will go a long way in making the night fun for everyone.

If you take the time to plan the night together, you may even find that Valentine’s Day comes early this year. Browsing for ideas and talking about wants and needs is not only a good way to get to know your partner better, but it also serves as foreplay that will make your sexy night a better experience for you both. There’s nothing wrong with a traditional, low key Cupid day, but if you’re looking for something a little more hot, start thinking now, and trust your gut. Talk to your partner, and you just might find out that that spark you thought you lost is hotter than ever.