How do you write a cover letter?

A cover letter can be formally based on some guidelines. This standard sets the standards for creating business letters. The content of the cover letter is divided into an introduction, main part, and a conclusion. In the introduction, you should refer to the advertised position. The main part describes your motivation, why you are applying for this position or the company, and why you are the right candidate for this position. Round off your cover letter with a thank you and the reference to an interview. Granted, it can be a challenge to put this information on an A4 page. This is why people tend to consult Resume and cover letter writers.

The cover letter should convince HR managers that you are the perfect person for the job and that they also fit the company in a human way. Therefore, this is the perfect place to provide convincing arguments and to inform about your qualifications and knowledge. Read here how you build up the cover letter for your application step by step and how you stand out from the crowd with unique content.


The introduction of the cover letter should be précised.  It is much more individual if you bring in your qualifications from your studies, work experience, or internships in the first sentence of your cover letter. For example:

“For the position of Display Manager, I already have my first experience in Google Analytics through an internship at XYZ.”

“What do you need for a job as a sales assistant? Ambition and communication skills! As the campaign manager of our student newspaper, I was able to prove exactly these characteristics. ”

Main Part:

In the main part, a person has to convince in the main part with soft skills and motivation. Your hard skills could be stated as:

“Experience in dealing with CRM programs”

“Safe appearance and creation of presentations” due to working in a seminar project in cooperation with a company.

You may add soft skills as:

“As a tutor at my school, we organized the summer party for the fifth grade as a team. Especially when working with younger students, a high level of assertiveness is required so that processes run smoothly and the previously agreed framework points are adhered to.”

A simple list of positive competencies dismisses HR managers like a standard phrase. However, if you link your soft skills in the cover letter with certain activities, the self-portrayal looks authentic. This arouses the interest of HR managers and also creates starting points for the interview.


You should refer to a personal interview in the last paragraph of your cover letter. However, avoid subjunctive sentences like: “I would be happy to hear from you”. Such formulations seem too shy. Better use:

“I am looking forward to an invitation for an interview. I would like to convince you personally of my skills and my motivation for the job as a business economist. ”

“Are you convinced? Then I’m happy to have the opportunity to talk to you personally.”