What happens when the one that did you wrong moves on and you are left not hating them as much as you should? This odd mix of emotions is what fuels singer-songwriter Sophia Gripari’s newest single, “Hate You but I Don’t.”
DSP – https://open.spotify.com/track/2GYbhIQZWdEGLZGhClUTcl
Gripari’s vocals hint at a lurking pain behind the sweet tone and the production is low-key, allowing the emotions to seep through. A crisp, clean retaliation to any easy break-up, Gripari’s newest release retains her classic pop sound and pairs it with a melody that will camp inside your head for weeks on end. Taking the classic ballad formula that talks about how hard it is to let go, and puts it to a beat that makes you want to dance until you’ve forgotten who the track reminds you of in the first place.