How 5G will change the consumer experience?

There is a lot of hype surrounding 5G. Many say that it will revolutionize the tech industry; however, some are skeptical. The specifications of 5G show that there the technology will impact our lives in many ways. User experience with regards to 5G will surely improve. In addition to this, 5G will aid the development of other technology such as autonomous cars and telemedicine.

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Specifications of 5G

Wireless, cellular technology has made astounding leaps over the last decade. We now have internet speeds on the scale of gigabits per second. People are amazed by the speed that 5G offers but don’t consider its other specifications which are equally significant, such as low latency and reduced power consumption.

Low latency

5G will have a latency of 1 millisecond. Because of this, gaming, virtual reality, and online streaming will enhance user experience. In addition to this, fields involving mission-critical tasks such as telemedicine and factory automation will benefit from low latency. The reduction in delay will allow human beings to carry out operations remotely without being physically present. Current networks such as 4G face a lag of 40 milliseconds. Although this amount of time seems insignificant, it can have consequences in time-critical tasks.

High speed

High download speeds are among the things that make 5G attractive for consumers. 5G will have download speeds of up to 10Gbps. Compared with 4G, the download speed of 5G is 100 times faster. Although these numbers are achievable in theory, the average download speed of 5G is expected to be 130Mbps to 240Mbps. With 5G, you can download a 100 GB 4K movie within four minutes.

High internet speeds will make it possible for devices to communicate in real-time. It has application in self-driving vehicles allowing vehicles to communicate. Hence, cars can “talk” to each other and determine their position relative to other vehicles and obstacles. As the technology for autonomous vehicle develops, there will be a time when no human involvement will be required.

Power efficiency

Because of 5G, the power consumption of connected devices such as smartphones, sensors, and other IoT devices will be less. Ultimately, it will increase the battery life of these devices. According to Gemalto, the 5G network energy usage will decrease by 90%. This feature of 5G will connect digital devices for a longer time, without requiring any charging. In addition to this, 5G consumes less power for transmitting and receiving signals. Moreover, the battery life of low-power IoT devices can extend to 10 years, according to some estimates.

5G can help reduce power consumption at base stations. Since 5G has a high network data rate, it means that more transfer of bits in a lesser amount of time. Thus, the base stations remain idle for a longer time. If the base station is in sleep mode during the time it is idle, less power consumption occurs at base stations.

How 5G will enhance the user experience?

Autonomous vehicles, telemedicine, smart cities, smart homes, and agriculture are among the few applications of 5G that come to mind. 5G has a lot of potential in these fields. There is no doubt that 5G will also improve the user experience.

For mobile users, 5G will increase computing power. With high internet speeds, you can connect mobile devices to the cloud. Hence, mobile phones could potentially have the same processing capabilities as those of a laptop. In addition to this, with high internet speed and low latency, you can stream ultra-high-definition videos on the go.

Here are a few ways in which 5G can improve customer experience:

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

With the help of 5G, the development of new services will enhance user experience. Moreover, a combination of different fields, such as the cloud and virtual reality can lead to the emergence of new fields. The processing and data storage capabilities of the cloud will allow users to experience VR anywhere they want.

The current technology is insufficient for the development of VR. But with 5G, this could change. The application of VR is in retail, gaming, education, entertainment, training, and others. To utilize the potential of VR and AR, cheap network charges, and low latency is essential.

VR in retail is a simple example of how it can enhance user experience. With the help of “magic mirrors,” customers can flip through the assortment of clothing articles, without trying them on. Hence, a customer can swiftly browse through the items without wasting the time of the other customers and the salesperson. Retailers such as Amazon and Walmart are using VR to improve customer interaction.

Communication Services and Internet of Things (IoT)

5G will improve communication services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) considerably. Because of high internet speeds and low latency, communication services will have better call quality and fewer chances of dropped calls. The services offered by VoIP providers such as AxVoice will improve and become more affordable because less hardware will be required. More and more VoIP services will provide cloud-based software solutions to their consumers, thereby increasing computing power and storage requirements.

In addition to improvements in VoIP services, communication between devices will also be possible on a larger scale. 5G offers wider coverage and lower power consumption. Low power consumption means that devices can communicate for a longer time. Since 5G networks require smaller base stations, it will provide 100% coverage. 5G will make smart homes and smart factories a reality.


5G has the potential of improving logistics, including delivery operations, management, and real-time tracking. Real-time accurate tracking allows organizations to locate their cargo and ensure their safety. International freight services face many risks. With improved visibility due to 5G, an organization can prevent supply chain risks. In addition to this, smarter and safer transportation systems will be able to handle cargo efficiently. It can lead to an improvement in customer experience.

Remote work

It will be possible for more people to work from home, impacting how users work. According to a report by Owl Labs, 85% of companies in the U.S. allow their employees to work from home. Current trends in remote work show that more people prefer working from home, and it makes sense. Working from homes cuts down costs on the commute and offers flexible timing. With 100% coverage of 5G networks, employers can connect with their employees anytime during working hours. Video conferencing will make it possible for remote teams to communicate without facing problems such as lagging video and audio. Hence, it will make it easier for teams to collaborate on projects and assignments. Because of the advancements in communication systems due to 5G, the workplace will likely change.

Countries such as the US and China are at the forefront of developing the infrastructure to make 5G a reality. However, 5G is not without its problems. Security concerns and the cost of infrastructure are some barriers to adoption of 5G. But there is no doubt that 5G has the potential to change many areas of our life.