Today, the critically-acclaimed duo Penny and Sparrow released “Stockholm,” the third song to be released from their forthcoming album Finch out August 2 via Thirty Tigers. The album is now available for pre-order and includes instant downloads of “Stockholm,” “Eloise” and “Don’t Wanna Be Without Ya.”
“‘Stockholm’ is a coming-of-age story about the brain,” explains Penny and Sparrow. “The song itself exists because of one particular night in Colorado a few years ago. We both got really stoned at the hotel Boulderado and then stayed up discussing life/love & other mysteries for hours. You can trace a lot of ‘Stockholm’ back to that night and what we talked about. It’s about growing up and trusting yourself to pick your own beliefs. If we’re lucky in this life we remember that we can learn new things and adapt and evolve. ‘Stockholm’ celebrates that internal power to change. And it celebrates one incredible night at the Hotel Boulderado.”