Alisa Chirco Releases New Single ‘Give Me More’

Alisa Chirco’s lusty “Give Me More” is not a song where its singer is gently minding her manners. Not by any stretch of the imagination. When she sings how she’s “addicted to attention,” it should set off warning bells for any available (or unavailable, for that matter) man within earshot. She sings it like an animal in heat, fellas.

Granted, having somebody obsessed with you feels good – at first. Extremists, though, can be a handful after a while. Chirco’s song also sounds a little worrisome, now that we’re living in the #metoo era. Obsession, these days, is crossing into a contemporary danger zone.

Sonically, this track is a slightly old school dance music recording. It’s built upon a burbling electronic groove. It’s more passionate, though, than beat-heavy. It has an arrangement akin to something Seal might have recorded in the 90s. In fact, it shares a familial relationship with Seal’s hit “Crazy.” Furthermore, it also has a similar mentally ill lyrical bent. Seal sang about how we all need to be a little bit crazy to deal with reality, whereas Chirco acts out a type of craziness.

Chirco has a strong, direct vocal approach. Hers is certainly not the shrinking violet variety. She doesn’t purr and coo like a kitty. Rather, she roars like a lion, Katy Perry-like. This makes for an odd juxtaposition because one must buy into this seemingly strong, strident woman coming under the spell of another.

It’s fascinating how someone can put words into a song that they would never be able to verbalize conversationally without musical backing. Even if someone is obsessed over another, which certainly happens all the time, few would actually say this out loud. Instead, they’d likely let their actions speak for themselves.

Maybe it’s a victory for feminism that a woman can sing so frankly about sex. Back when the Rolling Stones sang about how they couldn’t get no satisfaction, one could hardly imagine a woman singing that same sentiment. It just wasn’t done. It wasn’t, well, ladylike. Of course, some feminist would counter that it’s not good feminism for a woman to admit that she needs a man (at least, we’re assuming she’s singing about another man here). Perhaps a true feminist only needs herself – and no others – to thrive.

It’s Chirco’s honesty that makes this song so effective. We may live in an age where folks are expected to tamp down their natural sexual urges, but social movements cannot change the way people really feel about others. Humans were created as sexual beings, and there’s nothing wrong with acting upon those impulses. This is not to say humans should force themselves on others; but we can’t completely turn off the faucet of natural affections, so to speak.

Like the Rolling Stones, Alisa Chirco can’t get any satisfaction. This is a song that lays it all out there, to make of it what you may. It’s not complicated. It’s not even slightly sophisticated. It’s unbridled affection, which – if you think about it – is about as rock & roll as you can get. So, although “Give Me More” is not stylistically rock & roll, it nevertheless fully rocks.

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-Dan MacIntosh