Coming out of his shell from Philadelphia, Kurt Vile has been commanding the streets ever since he found his direction. Originally starting the prominent band The War on Drugs in 2005, he has earned the title of an effortless rock star. Due to creative differences, he wandered away from the group as his own lone wolf. Under the same genre of indie rock, neo-psychedelia, and folk, he has constructed music that breaks the barriers of the present moment. Typically spacing out while writing his songs, he crafts complex sonic spoken poetry delivered by his haunting vocal talent. He doubles as a walking paradox as he produces light beats with dark undertones on his journey to find himself with no restriction on time and a rejection of the future.
Accepting himself as an outsider without being too cynical, he has arrived just in time for the pinnacle of his career. While dissociating in and out he has put out seven completed projects starting in 2008 with Constant Hitmaker, God Is Saying This to You…, Childish Prodigy, Walkin on a Pretty Daze, and Lotta Sea Lice in 2017. Dazed but not confused, he has had several Billboard Top 200 records including b’lieve i’m going down… at #40, Walkin On A Pretty Daze at #47, Lotta Sea Lice at #51 and Smoke Rings For My Halo at #154. Signed to Matador Records, his discography is complete with psychedelic cover art perfect for a festival headliner. His natural storytelling abilities are amplified as his thought to be singular experiences evolve into a universal understanding on his journey to find his voice. With his combination of fuzzy live instrumentation, exceptional guitar tone and blue-collar rock sentiments, it is no wonder why Kurt Vile continues to tour the world to this day.