
So here we are again this week, and I am so happy to be here! We have got an awesome Q&A today with the talented & beautiful Cooper Phillip who is soaring with her hit, “Silence.” Before we get to that lets see what is going on in music today. In light of the upcoming copyright reform, 58 MEPs sent an open letter urging the European Commission to put an end to the transfer of value currently taking place at the expense of creators, and called for a legal clarification of the liability regime for online platforms. That sounds like a good cause but a challenging one in this digital age. In other news, here is a statement on the “Stairway To Heaven” Trial Verdict, “We are grateful for the jury’s conscientious service and pleased that it has ruled in our favor, putting to rest questions about the origins of ‘Stairway to Heaven’ and confirming what we have known for 45 years. We appreciate our fans’ support, and look forward to putting this legal matter behind us.” – Jimmy Page and Robert Plant So now we head to the west coast to LA and we get to chat with Cooper Phillip. This woman could be anything she wants but she has chose to bless us with her voice and her music. Join us today as we chat with Cooper about the Orlando massacre, music education, being born in Russia and raised in NY, and so much more!

Stoli: Where are we talking from today and how is your week so far?

We’re talking from sunny Los Angeles. Summer finally hit us, it’s been over 100 degrees the last couple of days. My week is going great so far filled with business meetings and studio writing sessions.

Stoli: After the Orlando massacre, does it make you nervous about going into public venues?

It is a tragedy, but I’m not not going to let fear and sadness keep me from living. My life is very social and I’m surrounded by people everyday everywhere I go. I hope this world will stop being so aggressive and all this craziness will stop happening to innocent people. I pray it’ll be over soon.

Stoli: When did music become more than a hobby and whom in your life has been the most supportive?

Music has never been a hobby for me. I was born into a family of classical musicians and started playing piano at 4 , harp at 6, and singing at 10. My singing career was so important to me from the moment I started singing and participating in singing competitions. I feel so passionate about singing and have always wanted to share and connect with the world.

Stoli: Did you have any special music training or education and how did you learn to play so well?

After winning a couple of big international singing competitions I realized that I’d like to understand music to its fullest. When I was 15 years old I started studying music composition, history, and theory. I graduated in 2010 with a masters in singing and vocal performance. All of this knowledge and years of practice have give me the confidence of being not only a singer who can hit the notes, but a musician who can compose and understand music at its core and also where that comes from.

Stoli: Your new single “Silence” is out now. When did you record that single and what does that song mean to you?

I am very proud of my single, which is not new being written about 2 years ago. This song is about my personal story of a heart break and moving on. I wanted to support all of the broken hearts out there and encourage them to never give up and never change who you are. Sometimes it’s best to move on even if that might be the hardest decision and seemingly impossible in the moment. Currently, my music is moving in a new direction in regards to the sound. It is a similar message, but with a more upbeat approach. My goal is to inspire people to be stronger and make things happen for themselves. Nothing is more empowering to me than being independent and having full control over your destiny. Be the best of who you are!


Stoli: I love the video. Who did you work with and how did you come up with the concept?

I met an amazingly talented photographer and videographer named Scott Nathan through my manager Sundafu Kawah. Sundafu shared with my music of which he fell in love with it, especially Silence. Scott had the idea of the music video being very clean and emotional. He wanted to show my raw emotions and allow people to focus on the lyrics and the message. Working with Scott and his team was a dream come true. I will never forget this shoot and the amazing atmosphere we created.

Stoli: You are so beautiful, do you also have modeling and/or acting ambitions as well?

Thank you :) No, I do not at this moment. After I establish my music career I would love to pursue either. I have loved being in front of camera for as long as I can remember. Also, fashion is a big passion of mine as I enjoy trying out different styles and looks. I am always fascinated and find myself looking a fashion pictures for long periods of time.

Stoli: You were born in Russia, raised in NY, and now reside in LA. How has that helped shape the woman and musician that you are today?

Not sure if there is enough space on these pages to fully explain my journey and how I became the person you see standing in front of you now. I suppose I can try. ;). I am a combination of those three amazing cities. My journey consists of hardships, culture change, and beautiful surroundings, love, heartbreak, and amazing passion. The underlying theme in all of the places that I have been is strength and being true to myself. This path has allowed me to be a real person and do what I truly love. It’s very important for me to be honest and enjoy everyday and create music and share it with all people. That is pure happiness to me. Especially now that I live in LA, it is important to know that WHO YOU ARE and not Where r u coming from is what you should focus on. We’re all children of this planet and have to be grateful for everything we have and always be striving to be better. It’s important for me to always keep that balance of being humble without feeling complacent. This is my goal for my career and I hope to convey my positive messages through my music.

Stoli: Being a gorgeous women in this business, how do you avoid the creeps who have their own agendas?

Ha:). Thank you yet again for pointing out how I look. But seriously, I’m so focused on my music and getting it going in the right direction that I don’t even notice when this happens. Everyone has an agenda, even the non creeps, so I just keep to my path.

Stoli: You are very active on social media, what platform do you enjoy the most in reaching fans?

I feel like social media is so important nowadays. It is such an instant, pun possibly intended, way to reach your listeners and allow them be apart of my life. My favorite is Instagram. I have met so many incredible people, friends and fans there. They have all been so supportive and inspiring to me. I’m so blessed to have the support around me.

Stoli: What is coming up for Cooper Phillip and where you @ online?

You can find me online

Instagram: Cooperphillip
Also check out my YouTube channel
Cooper Phillip

I have a 5 song EP coming out soon. This music means so much to me. It’s a reflection of who I am right now, at this chapter in my life and my career. Also, a new dramatic movie called SLIPAWAY is coming out soon. It’s an incredible story about believing in and pursuing your dreams. I am involved in soundtrack and the main song of this movie. I’m very excited!