Sarantos – “Hero Falls”


Lush and languid, Sarantos creates an introspective atmosphere with “Hero Falls”. Sensitive to its very core, “Hero Falls” explores what love can do with a person, of how it can carry a person forward. Through this strength a person is able to continue onwards, more powerful in knowing they are truly cared for, together with someone else. Perfectly framing this is a swirling epic sound, one that maintains a careful balance between rock and orchestral music. By letting these two styles merge Sarantos gives the song a sense of grandeur, as his story tells the tale of a hero, one who continues to fight with all their strength no matter what the odds.

The song begins with a great sweep of sound. Growing ever larger it comes to encompass all. From there Sarantos rich versatile voice enters into the mix as he begins his narrative. Broken up in several parts, it describes at first the difficulty in coming home after doing so much. Tired, what restores him is exactly how much he is truly appreciated. Upon resting and relaxing, the two form a perfect union, one that no amount of external events could ever shake. While they are comfortable together, at some point the rest must end and the next day (battle) must begin. For the reason to fight is for others, not simply for oneself.

A perfect love ballad, Sarantos truly succeeds with the infinitely catchy and unforgettable “Hero Falls” an ode to deep meaningful relationships everywhere.

Posted by Beach Sloth