sMALLTIME, Self Titled EP

sMALLTIME’s debut self titled CD is big music in a little package. This band consists of four guys with a religious message that appeals to the secular world. The Lead singer has a huge voice that is backed by some rockin music to create the fusion of inspiration and rebellious rock n roll.

These guys reign out of Orange County California where they have slowly built their following and are now reaching congregations worldwide. Each song on their debut CD stands out above the one before it. They have strong lyrical content sung with heart felt conviction.

The first track, “You Never Know”, starts up and grabs your attention right away. The songs continue ironically enough with a strong AC/DC influence fully equipped with the raspy vocals executing solid positivity with an attitude. My favorite song on the CD, is “Saving Souls”. The songs gives you an uncontrollable urge to say, “Amen and Halleljah”! It has a nice calming intro and builds to the point of making you a believer.

sMALLTIME is not only a band but they are a force of nature. They are invading the airwaves on a mission and will not be satisfied until they have thoroughly rocked you into salvation. Feel the power and glory for yourself. It is nice to know the man upstairs has some hard core rockers singing his message of peace, love and understanding.

Rebecca Hosking –

[Rating: 5/5]

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