Ticketmaster announces Ticket Deals, a dedicated deals page on Ticketmaster.com providing fans one convenient source to find and shop for great ticket deals in their city. Ticket Deals aggregates discount, price point, and seasonal promotions in one convenient location for a wide variety of event genres including concerts, theater, sports, family entertainment and attractions. The new site, www.ticketmaster.com/ticketdeals, is updated consistently with new ticket deals and events.
Among the deals currently available are 2 For 1 Tickets (50% off 2 tickets) for events like Ringling Bros., STOMP, Bodies, the Exhibition, and Advance Auto Parts Monster Jam; Me+3 4-Packs (special offers on 4 tickets) for Sesame Street Live, PBR: Professional Bull Riders, and select NBA & NHL teams; and $40 Below (select tickets for $40 and under) for concerts such as Kelly Clarkson, Lady Antebellum, and Allstar Weekend.