Tirra Lirra, Pink Live Forever

sm_nwr004_cover--Tirra_Lirra_1__phixrThe Chicago-based trio, Tirra Lirra, brings modern sounds of outer-dimensional electronics mixed with pop/rock tendencies.   Pink Live Forever offers listeners a New Wave ambience of experimental sonic jargon.   I would best describe Tirra Lirra’s new release as an abstract puzzle with millions of pieces.   This puzzle will require much thought, concentration and patience in order to fit all the pieces together.   Some parts of Pink Live might not even connect at all, but this was the purposeful idea all along for the eccentric trio.

Tirra Lirra is made up of: Chris Mathis on guitar (filled with effects, delays & reverb), Jared Sheldon on drums with electronic pads, Brian Hank Henry on vocals & keyboard samples and featuring Tony Janas handling the rhythmic bass.   What these men have created is one intricate record full of questions with no answers.   The electronic element is highly experimental in nature and can best be described as: complex mojo for the ears.  

The ironic twist to Tirra Lirra’s unorthodox musical display is that pop is still the centerpiece for their melodies.   Pink Live Forever proves that elements of weirdness & unusualness can coincide with portions of normalcy & mainstream standards.   What I heard on this album was a very stagnant flow of motion that seemed to continue on with no set destination in sight.   This idea of making music with no defining ending to the story might make sense to some, but didn’t add up for me.   However, Tirra Lirra, as a group, are a highly creative bunch that have developed a styled sound all of their own.  

The record starts up with a song titled “We are all Strays” where you will enter a dream world full of hypnotic wonder.   You also get a major reverb effect at the end that holds steady for quite awhile.   I did pick up on the fact that the recording quality didn’t seem to come across as crystal clear & sharp.   The next track, “Stinngybadly”, has a very experimental sound filled with sounds, notes & rhythms that seemed to have an off-track musical direction.   Next up, “Mystery Eyes”, proves to have a wild, nails-on-a-chalkboard-effect due to the high-pitched sound effects.   Track four, “Flutter”, dished out some hauntingly piercing vocals that really seem to penetrate your eardrums in the most interesting of ways.  

Interesting band with an equally interesting appeal here.   Tirra Lirra’s latest work is definitely worth taking a listen to.   Let’s see if you, perhaps, can figure out the puzzle to Pink Live Forever.   For more on Tirra Lirra and their latest release, SKOPE out www.myspace.com/tirralirratirra.

By: Jimmy Rae

[Rating: 1.5/5]

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